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Educating The Future's Touch World Cup This Saturday

Easts Rugby

Educating The Future is holding a Touch World Cup event at the Easts Rugby Club on the 27th of February 2021. Twenty-Four teams made up of adults from around the Eastern Suburbs are coming together to compete in a round robin competition between 12-7pm, with the winners being donned the 2nd ever champions of the event. Last year we had 250 players and 200 spectators. This year we are planning to go bigger and better!

Whether you are playing or not, join us for a drink and some quality spectator action all day long. The Field will have bars set up on the hill, DJs by the club, and plenty of game day food to go around. With the stinker of a year 2020 was, come down and join in on some fun in the sun. Spectator entry will be $10, which can be purchased at the door on the day or via Trybooking:

A bit about Educating The Future

Educating The Future is a student run charity which is overseen by an experienced board of 8. The charity funds the construction of schools in Timor-Leste, Australia's second closest neighbour. Timor-Leste lost 95% of schooling infrastructure during the battle for independence which ended in 1999, and with 42% of its population between the age of 0-14, youth education is crucial for the country's future. Since its inception in 2016, Educating The Future has completed the construction of three schools in rural Timor-Leste. A successful day on the 27th will help us push over the line to start a Fourth!

For anymore information, please reach out to Alec at Whether you would like to get involved or require details about attendance please let us know.

Link to the facebook event:

Look forward to seekng you on the day!"



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